你可以为每个delivery item category指定是否relevant for picking;
通常,picking由打印一张picking list开始;SAP推荐你使用WM transfer order功能;为此,你不需要实施整个WM系统,Lean WM就足够了;
使用lean WM代表只使用了R3 WM模块的一小部分功能;
在outbound delivery的output control的帮助下,你也可以将数据传输到为picking流程实施的子系统;
在系统的标准配置中,posting goods issue的前提是所有picking相关的items都已经完成了捡配;这意味着outbound delivery中的delivery quantity和pick quantity必须相同;
使用WM/Lean WM的捡配流程Picking Process Using WM/Lean WM
在picking中使用WM(WM or Lean WM),你要创建一张transfer order(TO);
TO是一张用来启动和监控一个仓库内部货物移动的凭证,你基于要使用WM捡配的项目创建一张或多张transfer order;
然后你打印出transfer order,该步骤可由系统自动执行;
除了以picking list的形式打印transfer order,你还可以将transfer order的数据传送到外部系统(PDA)或者仓库控制器;
通过确认transfer order,你可以校验从仓库移走的数量;如果你有confirmation requirement,你必须单独地执行这一步骤;如果没有confirmation requirement,则在你创建transfer order时系统自动确认数量;
最后,你可以post goods issue,这样就完成了shipping流程;
转移订单The transfer order
Transfer order是一张在仓库中将物料从源storage bin移动到目标storage bin的说明;
Transfer order包括以下信息:
Material number;
Quantity to be moved;
Source and destination storage bin;
当你创建了transfer order,系统自动地复制outbound delivery中的delivery quantiry到transfer order中作为picking quantity;
当你创建transfer order时,outbound delivery中的picking quantity自动地输入,在Lean WM中,picking quantity最初和delivery quantity相同;
WM和Lean WM对比WM versus Lean WM
如果你使用随机存储的仓库(warehouse with random storage),你需要使用全功能的WM系统;因为一个物料可以存储在不同的storage bin或者同时存储在几个storage bin,storage bin层次的精确库存管理是必须的;
Lean WM不需要storage bin层次的库存管理因此更适合于固定库位的仓库(fixed bin warehouse),在固定仓库储存区域,物料总是在同一个存储库位;
要在picking document中打印storage bin,你必须在物料主记录的view“Storage1”
上维护各自的数据;维护更多的仓库数据和Warehouse Management view不是必须的;
不包含在Lean WM中的WM功能列示如下:
库存分区Storage section;
预留库位Reserve storage bin;
入库和捡配策略Strategies for putaway and picking;
Inventory at storage-bin level;
Lean WM中仓库结构建模Modeling the Warehouse Structure in Lean WM
如果使用Lean WM,SAP系统中可能的warehouse structure of a fixed bin的描述为:
对于Lean WM,你需要至少一个warehouse number以及至少一个picking from的storage type和一个goods store的storage type(例如,picking atorage type作为source storage type,shipping zone作为destination storage type);
在picking storage area,你可以从库存减少的角度将storage bin组合在一起(例如,平均地分配工作量);Picking areas可以为每个仓库号码和storage type定义;
除了picking area,仓库中还有其他的组织单元;包括staging areas和doores,它们在outbound delivery中定义或者由系统决定并且也可以在picking documents中打印出来;
你可以在配置中在仓库号码层次上激活Lean WM;
建立和打印转移订单Creating and Printing transfer orders
有几种创建transfer order的方式,它们的区别仅在于自动化的程度;
在个别的案例,transfer order作为delivery的follow-on function创建是可能的;
你也可以单独地创建transfer order,要这样做,可以参考一张特定的outbound delivery创建transfer order,或者使用delivery monitor来同时为几张deliveries创建transfer orders;
如果你想transfer order自动地从每张outbound delivery创建,不需要手动的作业,则程序“automatic/direct TO”是非常合适的;
使用collective processing procedure,为了创建transfer orders的目的,你可以将几张deliveries组合到一起;
单个打印:一个TO item一页(例如,item-by-item processing in the warehouse);
组合打印:整个transfer order一张列表(也叫做“combined list”);
捡配列表:在集中处理中创建的几张transfer order一张列表;
自动/直接创建转移订单Automatic/Direct creation of Transfer Orders
如果你不希望在一张picking list上发布几张outbound delivery的items,我们推荐自动或直接转移订单创建;
你通过outbound delivery的output control启动该处理类型;通过条件技术,你可以使系统在创建delivery时在outbound delivery的header层次决定output type WMTA;前提是outbound delivery的items至少有一个与WM相关;标准系统中关键字组合“Delivery type / Shipping point”(1st access) or“Delivery type”(2nd access)负责决定output;
输出类型WMTA的处理启动transfer order的创建;
自动订单创建:时间1-3(processing later)
在这种情况下,output可通过后台的一个选择程序或者手动地使用事务“Output from deliveries”处理,这也可以定义后台计划;在自动转移订单 创建过程中,output process独立于outbound delivery creation;
直接转移订单创建:时间4(processing immediately)
这里,outbound delivery创建后立即启动处理;
在外向交货单监控使用集中处理Collective Processing in the Outbound Delivery Monitor
为了优化picking流程,你也可以为几张deliveries创建一张picking list;然后该list可以排序,例如,按照storage bin或material,依赖于配置中的设置;这样在相当程度上简化了在仓库中搜索picker的实际工作;
创建picking list的前提是transfer order尚未独立地创建;
使用集中处理程序来创建这些picking list:
SAP Customizing Picking Output
From Release 4.5A, the system does no longer display the actions for SD picking in the implementation guide.
If you want to use the picking list according to the "old" procedure, you can maintain the list as follows:
o Carry out Transaction V/38 to maintain the output types ek00.
o Carry out Transaction OVLT to assign the picking list types to the
shipping points.
forms and programs.
RePrint a Pick List - EK00
e Output Type EK00 allows you to automatically default the PICKED Qty on a delivery to equal the delivery Qty. [For details on how to do this see OSS Note: 145136
We always had a problem with the EK00 output because you cannot Preview it nor RePrint it (using the normal Output functions).
However, (According to OSS NOTE: 132401) "If picking quantities are updated in the delivery document, you have the option of removing the picking quantities manually from the delivery, to save the document and therefore to start a determination and processing of picking output again."
What this means is: If you remove the Picked Qty and save the Delivery - it Reprints!!
Individual Picking List SAP SD Picking Without Warehouse Management | May 2nd, 2008 |
You can print out an individual picking list to carry out picking for a particular delivery. This list forms the basis of picking in the following cases:
For further information, refer to Individual Picking List Without Use of MM-WM.
For further information, refer to Individual Picking List Without Use of MM-WM. Data in the Picking List The picking list includes the following data:
The delivery items are sorted according to which storage bin is specified for them. If there are different plants, storage locations and material availability dates in a delivery, a new page is started in each case. Storage Bin The storage bin specified depends on whether you are using WM:
The storage bin description is copied from the material master record into the list.
The storage bin, the warehouse number and the storage type that the Warehouse Management system determined for the product are copied into the list. Storage Bin Description The storage bin description is stored in the material master record. You will find the specification on the storage screen for a material in the field Storage bin. The description can be a combination of up to 10 characters. It specifies the physical location of a product in the warehouse. The storage bin description is displayed in the delivery on the first item details screen Item. All Data Displayed To call up this screen, select the item whose status you want to display on a delivery overview screen. Then choose Item ® Item details. You will find the storage bin description in the Storage Bin field. Printing the Picking List There are three ways in which you can start printing the picking list:
You can find general information on print control and initiation in the section During Delivery Processing When and how the picking list is printed depends on the printing parameters that are defined in Customizing. It can be printed when you save the delivery document or automatically during the next output selection run. For this purpose, the criteria for print control must be maintained accordingly in Customizing. You can print out an individual picking list to carry out picking for a particular delivery. For this purpose, choose in a delivery processing screen Outbound delivery ® Save and subseq.func ® Output ® Picking output. This takes you to the Output from Picking screen. Here you can initiate the printing of the picking list. When Processing Shipping Output You can print the picking lists for one or more deliveries by explicitly calling up output print. To do this, choose from the shipping menu Output ® Picking. This takes you to the Output from Picking screen. Here, you can specify a delivery or a range of deliveries. To begin printing, choose Program ® Execute. You are also able to limit picking by the start date for picking. Only deliveries due for delivery are included in the picking list. The picking date is in the delivery header. It is the earliest picking date of all the delivery items. Print Control A picking list is always created at the shipping point responsible for picking. Therefore, printing is controlled for each shipping point. Control parameters can be defined in Customizing. These include whether, when, and in which language the picking list should be printed. Configure the settings for print control in Customizing. |
请教下如果没WM,PICKING 功能能使用上吗?
1、delivery item category中要设置picking relevance;
2、必须要有WM或lean WM,并启用
3、设置storage type