
Customer Complaints Procedures zz


If Customer Returns the Goods:

-VA01: Return Order (Order Type: RE) (Item Category: REN) & enter, Create Return Order with ref to Sales Order No. Give order no & click on Copy (F5) and change the order quantity say from 50 boxes to 20 boxes.
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal.

If Customer Wants Refund For the Amount:

-VA01: (Order Type: RE), (Item Category: REN), (with ref to sales order)
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal
-VA01: Credit Memo Request (Order Type: G2), (Item Category: G2N), (with ref to Return Order, please remove billing block)
-VF01: Credit memo.
-If the customer wants refund for the amount, enter a credit memo with ref to the return.

If Customer Wants Replacement:

If the customer wants replacement product, enter a free of charge subsequent delivery with ref to the return.
-VA01: (Order Type: RE) with reference to Sales Order.
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal
-VA01: Free of charge Subsequent Delivery (Order Type: SDF)
-VL01N: delivery
-LT03: picking
-VL02N: goods issue

The Customer Does Not Send the Goods Back:

-If the customer wants a replacement product, you create a free of charge subsequent delivery with ref to sales order
-If the customer wants a refund, you enter a credit memo request, with ref to the sales order or invoice.
-VA01: credit memo request (G2) or free of charge subsequent delivery (SDF) with ref to sales order. For SDF there will be delivery, picking, goods issue.
-VF01: invoice

For Damaged Replacement:

-VA01: free of charge subsequent delivery (SDF) with ref to sales order

Debit Memo Request: (Order Type: L2) & (Item Category: L2N)

A debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request debit for a customer. You can create a debit memo request if the prices calculated for the customer were to low. Remove the Billing Block.
-VA01: debit memo request with reference to invoice or order
-VF01: debit memo

Invoice Correction Request:

A sales doc used in complaints processing to correct the quantity or price of one or more items in an invoice.
Each invoice correction request that is made in ref to an invoice contains 2 items for each item in the invoice (you cannot create an invoice correction request in ref to a sales or delivery doc type), viz First- credit item & Second Debit item. These contains the same value and quantity. The first item is the copied value & quantity copied from the invoice, this item appears as credit item. The second item is the debit item, which represents the correct quantity &/ or the value.
If you want the system to generate a credit memo for a +ve amount, and a debit memo for a -ve amount, you need to set an additional sales document type in customizing, for e.g., ZRK1 (invoice correction request for debit memos). You can change these settings in customizing under Sales ® Sales Document ® Sales Document Header ® Define Sales Doc Types in the “Sales Catalog Field”.
If the invoice correction request is characterized as a credit memo request, that is, the doc type RK has the characteristic as ‘K’ in the sales doc catalog field & has order related billing assigned to it in the form of G2 or credit memo, the system creates a credit memo for +ve value. For debit memo the characteristic will be ‘L’ & has order related billing assigned to it in the form of L2, the system creates a debit memo for a -ve value.
-You create invoice correction request with ref to an invoice.
-Price 100
o 110: credit memo
o 90: debit memo
-VA01: (Order Type: RK) with ref to invoice
-VF01: automatic credit or debit memo.

Free of Charge Delivery: (Doc Type: CD)

-When you create a free of charge delivery you must enter a value in the order reason field or the system informs you that the doc is incomplete.

Free of Charge Subsequent Delivery: (Order Type: SDF) (Item Category: KLN)

To create a free of charge subsequent delivery, you have to refer to an existing sales doc, such as: sales orders, contracts, contracts release orders.
You do not have to use create with ref to free of charge subsequent deliveries, if you enter the order type & choose enter, a dialog box will appear where you can enter the no of the order to which you are referring. No invoice is created or necessary, as the items are free.

Returns: (Order Type: RE) (Item Category: REN)

A return is a sales document used in complaints processing for when a customer sends goods back. You can create the return in one of the following ways: without ref to an order, with ref to an invoice, with ref to contracts, contract release orders, billing doc.
It may be worthwhile ensuring the return order reason was entered on the sales doc. Thus, it may be necessary to add this in an incompletion proc.
It is advisable to indicate a shipping cond that is specifically used for returns. This is useful when running del due list.

Credit Memo: (Order Type: G2) (Item Category: G2N)

A credit memo request is a sales doc used in complaints processing to request a credit for a customer.
The credit proc generally follows 2 business procedures; the first being the scenario where the customer returns products previously purchased & requires a credit. The second general form of credit proc is when the customer is credit without ref to a return (goods not returned or customer overcharged).

You can also set a mandatory that the credit memo request can only be created with ref. You can create a credit or debit memo request with ref to an existing order, with ref to an existing order, with ref to an invoice, with ref to contracts, contract release orders, billing doc.
You may not wish to credit for every thing, such as the entire freight charge from one invoice. You can instead have a new pricing proc in the credit memo request that is similar to the standard pricing proc you use, but not have the freight condition type. Thus the standard values are copied over, excluding freight.

1 条评论:

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