
Special Pricing Function-Promotion and Sales deal

PPT demo



You create promotions and sales deals in the same way. To create a new sales deal:

  1. Choose Logistics
  2. ® Sales/distribution ® Master data in the main menu screen.

    You reach the Sales Master Data screen.

  3. Choose Agreements
  4. ® Sales deal ® Create.

    You reach the Create Sales Deal screen.

  5. Enter a sales deal type (for example, 0101) and choose Continue.
  6. The Overview Agreement screen will appear. The system will propose a validity period.

  7. Enter the optional data, such as:
  8. – Short description of the sales deal

    – An external reference (from the customer)

    – The number of the promotion, if any, to which the sales deal is assigned

    – Special payment terms

    If you assign the sales deal to a promotion, the system proposes any special payment terms that you have defined for the promotion.

  9. If you do not want to create condition records for the sales deal at this time, save your data. If you want to create condition records immediately, go to the next procedure.
Creating Condition Records Within a Sales Deal

You can create condition records for a sales deal in the following ways:

  • At the same time as you enter the master data for the sales deal in the system. (In this case, the system automatically creates the link between the condition records and the specific sales deal.)
  • By creating a new sales deal with reference to an existing sales deal and copying some or all of the condition records over
  • By adding new condition records into an existing sales deal.(In this case, you enter the number of the sales deal manually.)
  • By copying existing condition records into a sales deal you have already created.

For further information about copying condition records, see Copying Condition Records.


To create condition records directly from within a sales deal:

  1. Choose Pricing in the overview screen of the sales deal.
  2. The system displays a list of valid condition types for this type of sales deal.

  3. Select the condition type for which you want to create a condition record and enter your data.
  4. If you want to create additional condition records for the sales deal, choose Back to return.
  5. The system returns you to the dialog box that lists the valid condition types you can use.

  6. After you have created the condition records you want, choose Back and save your data.

Release Status


The release status for condition records in a sales deal enable you to limit the use of records that have already been created.

Release status has the following characteristics:

  • no entry: released
  • A: Blocked
  • B: Released for price simulation
  • C: released for price simulation and planning

The amount and significance of individual characteristics is defined using domain fixed values and can not be maintained.

Maintenance of the release status is carried out in the sales deal itself (in the proposed values block), is transferred over to the condition records concerned and can then not be changed for these records.

When setting up a new sales deal (with copy), a proposed value is suggested for the release status, which can be set up in Customizing for the agreement type.

A record blocked for an application is treated in the access, as though it has been identified with a deletion indicator. It can however be recognized and displayed as such via the log functionality in Pricing.

The characteristic Pricing Simulation is only used in the report SDNETPRO, which gives a net price list.

The release status for condition records in a sales deal is displayed in the status information and on the detail screens for condition maintenance.

If when maintaining individual condition records a sales deal is assigned to the condition record using the transaction VK12, the release status from the sales deal is used for this record. When changing the release status using this sales deal or changes to the sales deal, the user will be notified of any changes to the status.

Awarding release status is only possible for sales deals and not for bonus agreements or individual record levels. Maintenance of the status for individual condition records is not implementable for the current status of the condition master records. This is connected with the overlapping of validity periods in combination with the release status, which does not occur in sales deals, as you can not create a condition record with the same key in another sales deal.

1 条评论:

  1. nice article. can i see any video walkthrough on this if possible. thanks. niharika340@gmail.com

