
Consignment Sales Process in SAP zz

The consignment process in SAP standard consist of four small processes:

Consignment fillup (send materials to customer consignment).
Here you have a consignment fillup order and a consignment fillup delivery.

Consignment issue (issue materials from customer consignment to the customer).
Here you have a consignment issue order, consignment issue delivery and a consignment issue invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal OR flow, but the materials are issued from the consignment stock instead of plant stock unrestricted).

Consignment return (return materials from customer ownership to customer consignment).
Here you have a consignment return order, consignment return delivery and a consignment return invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal RE flow, but the materials are returned to the consignment stock instead of plant stock returns).

Consignment pickup (pickup consignment stock and move it to plant stock).
Here you have a consignment pickup order and a consignment pickup delivery.

Note that in consignment fillup and consignment pickup there are no invoices since there is no change of ownership for the materials.

How to perform a consignment order?

In consignment orders you are allowing the stock to sit in your customer location. Once he informs that he used the stock you will invoice him. If he returns the stock you will accept the stock to take it back.

It is defined in 4 steps.

1. Consignment fill up:
Sales document type is KB
Item category KBN
shedule line category E1

In this step, you are not invoicing the customer. document flow is sales order ---- delivery item category. It will not be relevent for billing and pricing because you are not charging money for these goods in this step.

In schedule line category, you will set movement type 631 & set for availability check and TOR.

2. Consignment Issue.
Once the customer informed you that he used all the goods or partial goods then you will create consignment issue for used goods.

Sales document: KE
Item category: KEN
shedule line category: C0 or C1

Here you are invoicing the customer(because he used the goods). you are assigning the delivery documnt and billing document to the sales document.

In item category, you are setting relevent for billing, pricing, special stock.

In schedule line category, your setting is 633 movement type, relevent for availability check & TOR.

3. Consignment Return:
Customer found that some goods are damaged or he not able to sold the goods he want to send it back. that you are creating this document.

Sales document type: KR
Item category: KRN
Shedule line category: D0

You will assign delivery document and billing to sales document. you will create return order, return delivery, return billing.
Your setting item category relevent for billing, returns, pricing, special stock.
Your setting schedule line item category: 634 movement type, NO availability NO TOR.

4. Consignment Pick up:
Even if you create the consignment return the goods are not come to direct to your plant. For that you need to create consignment pick up. here the owner ship is not changing so you do not need to create billing.
Assign retrun delivery to sales document type.

Sales document: KA
Item category: KAN
schedule line category: F0 & F1

Your setting item category relevent for returns. any shedule line category relevent for 632 movement type, MRP, availability check, delivery.

Now you check your plant stock. Stock will increase. *-- Ugameswara Rao


Customer Complaints Procedures zz

If Customer Returns the Goods:

-VA01: Return Order (Order Type: RE) (Item Category: REN) & enter, Create Return Order with ref to Sales Order No. Give order no & click on Copy (F5) and change the order quantity say from 50 boxes to 20 boxes.
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal.

If Customer Wants Refund For the Amount:

-VA01: (Order Type: RE), (Item Category: REN), (with ref to sales order)
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal
-VA01: Credit Memo Request (Order Type: G2), (Item Category: G2N), (with ref to Return Order, please remove billing block)
-VF01: Credit memo.
-If the customer wants refund for the amount, enter a credit memo with ref to the return.

If Customer Wants Replacement:

If the customer wants replacement product, enter a free of charge subsequent delivery with ref to the return.
-VA01: (Order Type: RE) with reference to Sales Order.
-VL01N: Return Delivery
-VL09: Goods Reversal
-VA01: Free of charge Subsequent Delivery (Order Type: SDF)
-VL01N: delivery
-LT03: picking
-VL02N: goods issue

The Customer Does Not Send the Goods Back:

-If the customer wants a replacement product, you create a free of charge subsequent delivery with ref to sales order
-If the customer wants a refund, you enter a credit memo request, with ref to the sales order or invoice.
-VA01: credit memo request (G2) or free of charge subsequent delivery (SDF) with ref to sales order. For SDF there will be delivery, picking, goods issue.
-VF01: invoice

For Damaged Replacement:

-VA01: free of charge subsequent delivery (SDF) with ref to sales order

Debit Memo Request: (Order Type: L2) & (Item Category: L2N)

A debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request debit for a customer. You can create a debit memo request if the prices calculated for the customer were to low. Remove the Billing Block.
-VA01: debit memo request with reference to invoice or order
-VF01: debit memo

Invoice Correction Request:

A sales doc used in complaints processing to correct the quantity or price of one or more items in an invoice.
Each invoice correction request that is made in ref to an invoice contains 2 items for each item in the invoice (you cannot create an invoice correction request in ref to a sales or delivery doc type), viz First- credit item & Second Debit item. These contains the same value and quantity. The first item is the copied value & quantity copied from the invoice, this item appears as credit item. The second item is the debit item, which represents the correct quantity &/ or the value.
If you want the system to generate a credit memo for a +ve amount, and a debit memo for a -ve amount, you need to set an additional sales document type in customizing, for e.g., ZRK1 (invoice correction request for debit memos). You can change these settings in customizing under Sales ® Sales Document ® Sales Document Header ® Define Sales Doc Types in the “Sales Catalog Field”.
If the invoice correction request is characterized as a credit memo request, that is, the doc type RK has the characteristic as ‘K’ in the sales doc catalog field & has order related billing assigned to it in the form of G2 or credit memo, the system creates a credit memo for +ve value. For debit memo the characteristic will be ‘L’ & has order related billing assigned to it in the form of L2, the system creates a debit memo for a -ve value.
-You create invoice correction request with ref to an invoice.
-Price 100
o 110: credit memo
o 90: debit memo
-VA01: (Order Type: RK) with ref to invoice
-VF01: automatic credit or debit memo.

Free of Charge Delivery: (Doc Type: CD)

-When you create a free of charge delivery you must enter a value in the order reason field or the system informs you that the doc is incomplete.

Free of Charge Subsequent Delivery: (Order Type: SDF) (Item Category: KLN)

To create a free of charge subsequent delivery, you have to refer to an existing sales doc, such as: sales orders, contracts, contracts release orders.
You do not have to use create with ref to free of charge subsequent deliveries, if you enter the order type & choose enter, a dialog box will appear where you can enter the no of the order to which you are referring. No invoice is created or necessary, as the items are free.

Returns: (Order Type: RE) (Item Category: REN)

A return is a sales document used in complaints processing for when a customer sends goods back. You can create the return in one of the following ways: without ref to an order, with ref to an invoice, with ref to contracts, contract release orders, billing doc.
It may be worthwhile ensuring the return order reason was entered on the sales doc. Thus, it may be necessary to add this in an incompletion proc.
It is advisable to indicate a shipping cond that is specifically used for returns. This is useful when running del due list.

Credit Memo: (Order Type: G2) (Item Category: G2N)

A credit memo request is a sales doc used in complaints processing to request a credit for a customer.
The credit proc generally follows 2 business procedures; the first being the scenario where the customer returns products previously purchased & requires a credit. The second general form of credit proc is when the customer is credit without ref to a return (goods not returned or customer overcharged).

You can also set a mandatory that the credit memo request can only be created with ref. You can create a credit or debit memo request with ref to an existing order, with ref to an existing order, with ref to an invoice, with ref to contracts, contract release orders, billing doc.
You may not wish to credit for every thing, such as the entire freight charge from one invoice. You can instead have a new pricing proc in the credit memo request that is similar to the standard pricing proc you use, but not have the freight condition type. Thus the standard values are copied over, excluding freight.



Well I already have an SIS of my own...
Now the customer is asking me to add a few more fields to the
characteristics/key figues, and change the name of some of the field names.

I get the following error message:
You cannot add more characteristics or key figures to the reports because
they contain DATA

Hi, you can't change evaluation struckture from SAP name range, but u can change evaluation.if u want to change it pls copy from orginal to z*. or better query.
warm regards.


Sales Order Type 配置要点详解 zz

  Sales Document Block:控制这个文件类型是否已经被冻结。有三个选择,如果该字段为空则表明这个文件类型没有被冻结,如果为A,则表明这个订单类型只能被自动创建,例如回扣的处理,如果选择为X,表明这个文件类型已经被冻结而不能再用了。
   Sales Document Indicator: 只和表TVAK有关No.range int.assign: 确定该文件类型的内部号码段No.gange ext.assign: 确定该文件类型的外部号码段Item no.increment:行项目编号的增加量Sub-item no.increment: 子项目编号增加量。
  Reference mandatory: 强制参考。如果文件类型对这点进行了配置,在创建销售订单时,系统会弹出窗口强制要求输入参考号码,并且指定是参考号码的类型,如参考报价单,参考询价单,参考销售订单等等。
  Check division: 配置检查订单中行项目产品组和抬头产品组不同时的信息类型,如果这个设置为空则没有信息出现,如果为1,则有对话信息出现,如果为2则有错误信息出现,表明该文件类型抬头的产品组要和行项目的一致。
   Material entry type: 物料输入类型,目前怀疑和限制订单的物料输入有关,如果这个字段为空表明订单一定要输入物料Item division: 决定订单ITEM中的DIVISION的来源。如果这个选项打上勾,则表明ITEM的DIVISION是来自MATERIAL__ master,如果不打上则来自订单的抬头。这一点和CHECK DIVISION构成了cross-division sales的配置点。
   Probability: 用来确定成为订单的可能性。这一个配置,对于订单来说默认为100%并且不可更改,而对于询价或者报价来说,系统都根据订单类型的category来;默 认了一个可能性,但这个可能性可以更改(在SD DOCUMENT里)。这一个设置也决定了系统如何传递物料的需求。例如一个报价单的类型为QT,在创建报价单时物料A的净价值是100USD并且 Probability为50,而物料B的净价值为200USD并且Probability为25%,因此整个报价单成为订单的可能性为:(100__ * 50% + 200__ * 25%) / (100 + 200) = 50%如果物料A的Probability为50%,则报价中的100个A物料会产生50个需求量在创建报价单时,系统也会把客户主数据中的可能性考虑在 内(见SOLD-TO PARTY客户主数据中的SALES AREA DATA - Order probability of the item)。如果该订单类型的可能性设为50,而客户主数据的为80,则在创建报价单时,行项目的可能性为80 / 2 = 40,表明该报价单有40%的机会成为订单。
  Read info record:如果这个选项选定,则创建订单时会读取customer-material (TCODE:VD51)的数据。
   Check credit limit:信用检查。用来控制系统是否进行信用检查和对检查结果作出什么样的反应。这里的选项有五个:1/没有进行信用度检查2/进行简单的信用检查并 对超出信用额度显示警告信息3/进行简单的信用检查并且对超过信用额度显示错误信息4/进行简单的信用检查,如果超过信用额度则冻结交货5/如果系统实行 信用管理,则自动执行相应的信用控制自动的信用检查具有不同的检查方法,例如动态信用检查和静态信用检查,或基于最大的订单价值检查。在动态检查和表态检 查中,信用状态是所有open order\\open delivery\\open 的应收款来统计出来的。如果需要执行自动信用控制,则在订单类型里选择D.对于简单的信用检查,系统用信用状态和付款方的信用额度作比较。信用状态是从所 有open item的净价值统计来的。
  Credit group: 信用组。定义该文件类型是属于那个信用组的。这一个配置使你能够根据信用组合并不同的文件类型,从而使得信用管理更加有效。
  Check purch.order no: 检查客户的采购订单是不是已经在其他的订单中存在,如果是则有警告信息出现。
  Enter po nmber:用来配置订单是否需要输入客户采购订单号码。
  Output application: 看起来应该是和文件输出相关,定义这个属于这个文件类型的订单在输出时采用什么格式。
  Commitment date: 作用不明白Screen sequence grp:用来定义该文件类型的屏幕顺序。
  Display range: 定义行项目显示方式。
  Incomplete procedure: 定义当相应的SD文件有些数据没有输入的时候系统的处理办法。这个配置在文件里型里是不能更改的,因为在basic function-log of incomplete item(VUA2)里已经做了配置了。
   FCode for overv.scn: 设置进入显示凭证界面时的VIEW.如,选择了UBST后,在显示销售订单时,一走入去看到的就是ordering party这个VIEW. Transaction group:定义这个文件类型是那一种业务(报价,询价或销售订单)。例如OR的transaction group是0,属于订单,因此只能用VA01来创建这类型的文件,而QT是属于2的,报价单类型,因而只能用VA21来创建。
   Quotation message: 配置报价单和销售订单之间数据是如何检查的。有下面几个选择:1/不检查2/在抬头层面进行检查,在创建销售订单时,系统检查报价单,如果发现要抬头信息 相同的报价单出现则会报信息告诉用户有报价单存在。抬头信息是指销售区域、sold-to party, ship-to party, po等。
   Doc.pric. procedure:文件的价格流程。任何一个销售区域都要设定一个定价过程(可以在视图t683v里看到每个销售区域的定价过程)。在创建订单时,如果 系统发现这个地方的配置和t683v不一样,则会报错误信息:No pricing producer could be determined.T683V可以在sales—sales document – contract –define and assign pricing procedure for value contract里配置。
  Outline agreement message: 和Quotation message大致一样。但这两个代表团点要一样,因为系统会把Outline agreement message和Quotation message作为一个combination来看的。
  Add ref. to all contracts partner is authorized to release:用来搜索所有的合同。
  Status Profile:Message mast.contr.:有点类似上面的Quotation message.但应该只和CONTRACT的文件才有用处的。
  Prodatt.message: 是否允许更改product attribute.product attribute是指什么不太明白。
   Alternative sales document type 1 / Alternative sales document type 2:在文件的处理中可能会会改变一些文件的文件类型。这个配置点这是作为更改文件类型的限制条件。详细的看F1. Incomplete message:当文件的信息不完整时会不会出现信息提示Variant: 设置变式Corr.delevery type: 集合运输类型。不明白其作用。只作用于scheduling agreement Delivery block: 冻结运送。
   Use:物料的用途,只作用于scheduling agreement. MRP for DelSch Type:Delivery type: 运送类型Immediate delivery: 马上运送。有三个选项:1/订单和运货单分开建立2/订单和运货单同时建立3/订单和运货单同时建立,但前提条件时送货时间是当天Delivery block: 冻结运送Shipping condition:运送条件。在客户主记录里也有这一个字段,一般来说创建的SD文件会取sold-to party的Shipping condition作为默认值,但是如果在相应的文件类型里也设置了这一点,则文件类型的Shipping condition会作为默认值而覆盖从客户主记录里的。如果在文件类型里没有作配置则取客户主记录里的。
  Shipcostinfoprofile: 作用不太明白Dlv-rel billing type:配置和运货相关的发票类型(发票参考运送单)
  Cndtype for line item:Order-rel.bill. type::和订单相关的发票类型(发票参考销售单)
   Billing plan type:发票计划类型。分为定期性开票和milestone开票。定期性是指一些租金或者维护收入的发票,而milestone是指一些开票项目,例如 和客户订立年度的销售项目,半年时付40%,结束时付60%. Intercomp.bill.type:公司单发票类型Payment guarantee procedure: 付款程序监督。用来定义用那一个程序来监督付款。和Receivables risk management相关。
  Billing block:冻结开票Payment card plan type:其作用不清楚。但凡是用到付款卡结帐的文件类型,都需要定义这个配置,否则不对用卡结帐。
  Checking group:付款卡检查组。
   Lead time in dates: 设置request delivery date比现在的天数多几天。例如今天是20060118,如果这个设置为20的话,那么系统会把request delivery date自动默认为20060215. Propose delivery date: 定义系统是否建议一个运送时间request delivery date.如果打上勾则会根据Lead time in dates这个来建议一个时间,否则创建订单时要人手输入运送时间。
  Propose po date:打上勾则系统会默认今天是PO日期Date type: 时间类型Prop.f.pricing date:系统默认一个pricing date,但可以人手在订单里更改。
   Propose valid-date: 定义该文件生效的日期。有三个选择:1/不建议2/建议今天3/建议下个月第一天PricProcCondHeader:定义CONTRACT的抬头定价 条件PricProcCondItem: 定义CONTRACT的行项目定价条件Contract data allowed:决定CONTRACT HEADER和数据会不会COPY到ITEM上。
  Followup activity: 跟进动作的类别。定义属于这类文件类型的合同其后续动作是什么,例如一个租金合同,后续动作可能是一个销售信件等。Followup activity可以在CAS里进行相应配置。
   Contract profile: 合同的形式Subseq.order type:后续销售订单类型Billing request:要求的发票类型Check partner auth.: 检查一个PARTNER是否有资格成为一个RELEASED CONTRACT的PARTNER.当你在释放一个合同时,系统会检查这个合同里的PARTNER有没有资格成为一个SOLD-TO PARTY. __update lower level contract:更新低阶合同Group reference procedure:数据从主合同(MASTER CONTRACT)复制到层次较低的合同时的复制程序Business transaction:和APO相关的ATP检查


销售与分销 zz


  多企业、多 语种、多种货币的销售订单处理功能,使你能用一种语言、输入一个指令便可进行一次国际间的业务。应用R/3SD与其它国家的伙伴进行交易时,可以自动转换 成其它国家语言和货币。通过确定国界,每一个伙伴收到的业务内容是用相应的本地语言和货币来表述的,这将有助于服务全球市场。
   R/3 SD的定价灵活性和完备性很强,以致于1995年1月由BenchmarkingPartnersofCambridgeMass.对其进行评价时,叙述 这一能力"是世界级的,甚至可以支持最富挑战性的行业"。你可以利用有关规则来定价,并可以存储最复杂的定价情况。R/3SD使你的用户服务代表从复杂的 定价劳苦中解脱出来,使他们更致力于本职工作:销售和服务。随着SD定价的深入,你将在竞争中越来越主动。






  EDI是销售中的一个关键部分。你的业务需要应尽可能地 以最快捷的方式进行传递-如电子数据。使用EDI意味着电子传输的数据立即可以为用户所获得,并可以应用于你的R/3SD系统中。SD中的EDI接口将确 保你的销售运作具有最快的速度和集成功能。EDI甚至可以激活一个工作流过程。例如,由于无效的产品号、或者因信用持有、或者因其它判断标准等而激活一个 销售订单的工作流事件。

  R/3的销售信息系统允许你收集、合并和使用销售 与分销活动中任何类型的数据。借助研究实时数据并将它与计划值比较,使现场销售活动更趋于及早决断,随后采取行动解决问题或充分利用开发机遇。你可以迅速 从SD大量数据中筛选出最重要的信息,并且准确地加工出你的任务所需要的信息。

  系统中相互参照功能允许你基于不同的准则,如客户 的产品号、通用产品代码(UPC)或失效产品等,来确定合适的产品号码。你还可以依照基于包装代码选择原则的清单来确定合适的产品。例如,一个客户可能不 提供将插入到任何产品包装中的随赠产品,那么在系统找到这种替代品之前,这些包装代码将不列在选择的清单中。

  在完成订单输入之前,可用性检查主要是核对你手边是 否具有足够数量产品以满足新订单需求。如果你手边没有足够产品能很快发货,那么可用性检查将实时确定何时可获得所需的数量。你可以规定是否你的系统基于可 用的约定(ATP)数量来进行检查,或者它是否按照计划来进行检查。系统还考虑补货的提前期。你甚至可以检查多个工厂的可用性。所有这些都有助于你的组织 机构对潜在的交货瓶颈的最新信息,做出销售订单的决策,并且在改善客户满意程度的同时,帮助你按计划完成商业过程。

  与物料管理系统集成后,当你生成一 份销售订单包括第三方项目时,该系统自动在采购功能中生成采购申请。这些采购产品可能被直接送到客户处,或被送到仓库,以便与订单上其它产品一并装运。一 旦你分配销售部门和工厂时,便开始了与财务会计系统(R/3FI)的集成。在一个公司代码内,保留若干个销售部门可能会十分有效,一个单一工厂可以被分配 若干个销售部门。当你进行这些分配时,便生成了R/3系统中自动财务数据的移动和连接。这就是决定了R/3SD具有"世界级"声誉的系统集成。




  R/3SD在信贷检查方面赋予你极大的灵活性。你 可以在销售周期中的任何时间内,可以从订单收货到交货,利用信贷限额检查功能。你还可以对集中或分解的运作过程或任何过程之间建立信贷检查。对于一位已知 客户,你可以定义一个总的限额和/或对一个信贷控制范围定义特定限额。你还可以在限额超出时确定系统的响应。

  可配置的产品是另一个具有极大灵活性的领域。当你在销 售订单上输入一个可配置的产品时,R/3SD便自动调用可配置编辑器,你可以很容易地从预定义配置选项中进行选择。你可以定义独立的选项或生成具有多种配 置层次的物料系列。你甚至可以对配置的产品中的关键部件实施可用性检查。

  不断变化的外贸规定和关税对任何一个国际性组织都面临着艰 苦的挑战。这些约束将影响你的整个供应链,从原材料到产成品、库存和财务会计。R/3SD的外贸功能可以使你有效地完成这些需求,包括支持EDI接口用于 外贸信息,出口许可证的灵活管理,对当局的自动申报,以及最惠国条约的陈述。R/3SD将确保国境界限不再是你的组织机构发展的障碍。

  R/3中装运和运输管理使SD与R/3系统中物料管 理和财务会计模块紧密结合在一起。因此,不论你在系统何处,当前装运信息可以控制在你的手中。该装运模块除了对灵活的装运出口提供了综合支持外,还提供了 对外贸处理过程、装运截止日期的监控、装运的灵活处理的综合支持,以及对运送、包装和装卸的综合支持。



  R/3销售支持部件可帮助理你的销售和市 场部门在对现有的客户提供支持的同时发展新的业务。销售支持将提供一个环境,使得所有的销售人员,包括现场销售人员和办事处的职员,都能提供和存取有关客 户、潜在客户、竞争对手及其产品、联系人等方面的有价值的信息。销售支持部件的功能是既作为有关销售和分销的各方面信息的源,又作为获取业务的起动力。
   使用R/3销售支持中的工具在销售支持环境中,你不但可以创建直接邮寄去发展新的业务,而且能巩固已有的客户群。在已存入系统的销售信息的基础上,你可 以创建有关客户和潜在客户的地址清单,他们是你发动的直接邮寄攻势的目标。有关客户、潜在客户,竞争者以及其产品和销售物料方面的背景信息是作为主数据来 存储的。
  R/3SD的销售支持要素为客户服务和你的销售及市场人员的商业活动提供了工具和处理手段。SD模块中的这一部分紧密地与SD的销 售、发货和开票功能连接在一起,用以提供日常商业事务的附加的必要手段。销售支持使售前功能得以简化和自动化,使人们摆脱了重要但很繁重的日常工作。
   售前支持将帮助提供对现有客户的服务,而这些客户也将有助于新的商业发展。使用SD中的销售支持,结合现场销售人员和其它职员能有助于掌握有价值的信 息;这些信息将涉及客户、销售项目、竞争对手和他们的产品,以及合同。销售支持具有作为SD的信息资源和作为一种获取新的商业动力的功能。

  SD的最重要工具之一就是销售信息系 统。这个实时数据的共用库能方便地为你提供客户一种更高档次的服务,给你一个竞争的优势。精确的、实时的数据也意味着你的商业活动在效益上将有显著地提 高。在SD中所有的销售、发货和开票处理提供的信息将通过中央R/3SD销售信息系统输入到销售支持中。这将包括销售的一揽表和销售订单的统计资料。
   销售信息系统能提供广泛的功能用于制定有关销售信息的报表。这些报表能协助你制定销售和商贸策略以及分析计划的结果。例如,通过销售处和销售组你可以制 定出一个有关收到的订单的详细报表。你还能够为专项客户着手一份有关全部公开销售活动的清单,而且能检查各个销售订单的历史。


   最好的情形是,上面提到的所有的活动,甚至更多的活动都进展平稳:一个过程和下一个过程可以衔接起来,数据输入减至最少而误差则被消除。在销售中,你可 以通过R/3SD来实现这些过程。在增加更多的SD的能力以前,分析人员们称R/3SD具有"杰出"的订单输入结构和定价功能,现在SD功能齐全,可为你 所用。
   不论你的销售简单还是复杂,SD均能满足你的需求。SD能轻易地支持大多数事务和作业。即使你的需求相当复杂,你也能很容易地将该系统为你所用。 R/3SD与R/3系统的其他部分全面集成,其中包括财务会计,生产计划,服务管理,项目管理,物料管理和质量管理。这使你的SD事务可以实时工作。

询价和报价文件是作为关键的售前作业的指南性文件,并 且还提供用作业务信息的资料库。当客户需要有关产品和服务的信息时,你可以使用系统中的询价功能。这些文件提供有关未来客户的重要信息。当销售开始时,你 可以快速地从询价或报价文件中取出信息并容易地输入到销售的文件中。同时,SD还包括了许多用于管理和监控这些文件的功能。你可分析销售之前的文件用来衡 量市场的动向,分析丧失销售的原因,以及建立用于计划和战略的基础。



  运输是供应链中的一个基本要素。为确保装运按计划准时发 放到客户所在地,有效的运输计划是必需的。运输成本在决定一个产品价格时起相当大的作用。为保持产品的价格有竞争性,使运输成本保持最小非常重要。运输的 有效计划和处理能使这些成本降低。销售、分销系统的新的运输要素的目标是为运输提供基本功能:

  目前,运输功能在运输计划和处理境内、境外装运领域能够满足你的需求。你可以 控制和监控整个运输处理,这个运输处理是从计划步骤直到从装运点(境外装运)或卖主地点(境内装运)分配货物到他们到达的客户地点(境外装运)或你的工厂 (境内装运)。你也可以根据自己的需要提出完成运费计算和结算的功能,而且可以选择服务机构。




  按时交货对客户是至关重要的,它甚至会影响客户 决定是否购买产品或相关服务。因此,R/3SD在订单输入时能自动地确定交付的进度。交货计划包括所有在货物发出前肯定要发生的活动。交货计划可以确定产 品的可用日期和装载的日期。当你输入客户要求的交货日期时,SD能计算出装运活动的日期。系统可以确定出什么时候产品必须获得,什么时候进行分拣,装载, 以及制定运输的计划,用以满足客户要求的交货日期。


  在需求的传送中,销售环节将通知物料需求计划有关需要发送的货物数量。你可以 应用R/3SD可用性检查来做这件事。R/3的集成性表明SD、MM和PP的应用能自动地交换实时的需求数据,需求将按单个的或汇总的需求被记录。物料管 理和生产计划功能将应用来自销售的需求信息,以确定是否需要立刻开始生产,或者是否要首先采购零部件。
   由于缺乏货物可用性,订单项目按客户要求的交货日期不能得到确认时,订单项目可以应用延迟订单处理功能来加以更新。该系统可以重复检查可用性并显示目前 的状况。如果所有项目现在都能被交货,你就可以处理销售订单了。你还可以使用更新功能,通过手工调整重新分配短缺产品,以满足你的最紧急的客户订单。


Elements of the Condition Technique zz

排斥条件Excluding conditions


Requirements能够检查condition exclusion indicator,如果设置,则忽略该condition;

Condition exclusion indicator可以设置在condition type或者condition record;


Condition Types

Condition Records and Tables

Access Sequences

Calculation Schemas

Condition Types:

Condition Type只能在之中定义。

路径是:Material Management à Purchasing à Conditions à Define Price Determination Process à Define Condition Types


Condition Type: PB00 Name: Gross Price

Access Sequence: 0002


Control data1:




Cond. class

Condition Class

定价等级,用来区分Condition Type,主要看AB两大类。Adiscount/surchargeBprices


Calculation Type



Condition Category

定价类别,表示该condition type是价格还是费用等,该字段有很多的控制功能

Rounding rule

Rounding Rule



Structure Condition

结构定价 (不明白)




Condition Class:

A Discount or surcharge

B Prices

C Expense reimbursement
D Taxes
E Extra pay
F Reserved (IS-OIL)
G Tax Classification
H Determination sales deal
Q Reserved (IS-OIL)
W Wage Withholding Tax

Calculation Type:

A Percentage

B Fixed amount
C Quantity

D Gross weight

E Net weight

F Volume

G Formula

H Percentage included

I percentage (travel expenses)

L Points

M Quantity – monthly price

N Quantity – yearly price

O Quantity – daily price

P Quantity – weekly price

Q Reserved (IS-OIL)

R Distance-dependent

S Number of shipping units

T Multi-dimensional

Rounding Rule:

Commercial 商业,就是45

A Round up 向上舍入,就是总是入

B Round down 向下舍入,就是总是舍

Condition Category

You can assign a condition category to a condition type. The condition category has various control functions. For example, condition category U (for precious metal discounts and surcharges) causes a new price determination process to be carried out at the time of goods receipt, and condition category E (for cash discount) causes the discount to be derived from the terms of payment.

The following condition categories are relevant to Purchasing:



Assigned to the following condition type in the standard system:

Further information


Base price


A condition type with the condition category H must always exist in the calculation schema. Exception: Stock transfers.

If an access sequence is assigned to the condition type, you must assign a supplementary calculation schema to the condition type. Otherwise, the system is not able to calculate a net or effective price.

If you manually enter a price in the purchasing document, it is inserted into the condition type.


Delivery costs


If you use this condition category, you can enter separate invoices for material costs and delivery costs (e.g. freight charges).

You must flag the condition type as "provision-relevant".

You must assign a transaction/event key in the schema (for account determination purposes).


Non-deductible input tax


Depending on the tax code in the PO item and the tax calculation schema, the system calculates the non-deductible tax portion and inserts it in the condition type with the category N.

The condition type has the calculation rule "absolute amount".

Normally, the access sequence that regulates tax code determination is assigned to the condition type.


Vendor’s confirmed price


If the vendor confirms a price via EDI, the system inserts the price in the condition type with category d.


Cash discount


The system derives a percentage from the terms of payment and inserts it in the condition type with the category E.

The condition type is included in the calculation on a statistical basis only.


Precious metal discount/surcharge




Moving average price


The system inserts the moving average price/valuation price of the material in the condition type with category G. This makes sense if no purchase price exists (e.g. in the case of stock transfers).


Sales price excl. taxes (only for Retail)

MVK2 (prior to Release 4.5A, MVK1)

The system inserts the currently valid sales price (excluding tax) for the ordering store in the condition type with category J. If sales price valuation is active in the valuation area of the store, the condition type should exist in the calculation schema used for determining the purchase price.


Sales price incl. taxes (only for Retail)


The system inserts the currently valid sales price (including tax) for the ordering store in the condition type with category W. If sales price valuation is active in the valuation area of the store, the condition type should exist in the calculation schema used for determining the purchase price.

PB00gross price,也就是总价,对应以上字段我们知道它的

Condition class B, 也就是价格

Calculation TypeC, 也就是数量相关的,比如衣服,表示每件多少钱,或者每打,单位可以变化,但是是Material的计量单位。

Condition CategoryH, 是基本价格

Rounding Rule是商业的45

Structure Condition没有设定


Group Condition:




Group cond.

Group Condition Indicator

是否是group condition


Rounding difference comparison


Routine number for creating group key

会在Group condition之中再详细说明

PB00在我的系统之中不是一个group condition

Changes which can be made:




Manual entries

Manual entries Indicator


Header condit.

是否是header condition

Item condition

是否是item condition


是否可以被删除,也就是在purchasing document之中,用户是否可以删除这个condition type


purchasing document之中是否可以改变amount和百分比


purchasing document之中是否可以改变value

Qty relation

purchasing document之中是否可以改变Unit


purchasing document之中是否可以改变calculation type

PB00对于人手操作是没有限制的: _ no limitations

不是一个header condition

是一个item condition





在处理document时候不能改变calculation type

Master date:




Valid from

Condition record之中的valid fromdefault value

Valid to

Condition record之中的valid todefault value


Reference condition type,一般用于相同内容不同名城的condition type,这样在condition record之中只是需要包含被referencecondition type


Reference application


Price procedure,用于determin那些包含在gross里面的一些附加condition type,那些condition type没有access seq,也就意味着没有哪个condition table会存储这些记录,而它们只能与gross price一起存在

delete fr. DB

定义删除condition record时候的操作

Condition index

是否update condition index

PB00default valid from/totoday31.12.9999

没有referencecondition typeapplication

PB00gross price所以有很多其他condition type附加在PB00condition record之上,使用RM0002来查找这些condition type


不会更新condition index





Scale basis


Check value


Scale type

From还是to 或者graduated

Scale formula

计算scale base value的公式

Unit of meas.

当使用group condition的时候的unit

Scale basis:

B Value scale

C quantity scale

D gross weight scale

E net weight scale

F volume scale

G scale based on a formula

L point scale

M time period scale - month

N time period scale - year

O time period scale - day

P time period scale - week

R distance

S number of shipping units

T reserved (IS-OIL, time prices)

X reserved (IS-OIL, day prices)

Scale type:

Can be maintained in condition record

A base-scale

B to-scale

C not used

D graduated-to interval scale

PB00是基于quantity scale


Scale type在输入condition record的时候决定

没有定义scale base value的计算公式

因为不是group condition,所以也没有为group condition定义scale unit

Control data 2:




Currency conv.

Currency conversion after multiplication indicator



Condition is relevant for accrual (e.g. freight)

Statistical condition

Inv.list cond.

Condition for invoice list

Internal costing


Condition for inter-company billing

Promotion cond.

Condition for promotions


Variant cond.

Condition for configuration

Qty conversion

Quantity conversion

Only when quantity-dependent


Condition exclusion indicator


Relevance for account assignment

Sales pricing:




Rel. to pricing

Sales price calculation: relevant to pricing

Pricing on/off

SP calculation: “relevant to pricing” ID can be changed

Special Pricing Function-Promotion and Sales deal
PPT demo


You create promotions and sales deals in the same way. To create a new sales deal:

  1. Choose Logistics
  2. ® Sales/distribution ® Master data in the main menu screen.

    You reach the Sales Master Data screen.

  3. Choose Agreements
  4. ® Sales deal ® Create.

    You reach the Create Sales Deal screen.

  5. Enter a sales deal type (for example, 0101) and choose Continue.
  6. The Overview Agreement screen will appear. The system will propose a validity period.

  7. Enter the optional data, such as:
  8. – Short description of the sales deal

    – An external reference (from the customer)

    – The number of the promotion, if any, to which the sales deal is assigned

    – Special payment terms

    If you assign the sales deal to a promotion, the system proposes any special payment terms that you have defined for the promotion.

  9. If you do not want to create condition records for the sales deal at this time, save your data. If you want to create condition records immediately, go to the next procedure.
Creating Condition Records Within a Sales Deal

You can create condition records for a sales deal in the following ways:

  • At the same time as you enter the master data for the sales deal in the system. (In this case, the system automatically creates the link between the condition records and the specific sales deal.)
  • By creating a new sales deal with reference to an existing sales deal and copying some or all of the condition records over
  • By adding new condition records into an existing sales deal.(In this case, you enter the number of the sales deal manually.)
  • By copying existing condition records into a sales deal you have already created.

For further information about copying condition records, see Copying Condition Records.


To create condition records directly from within a sales deal:

  1. Choose Pricing in the overview screen of the sales deal.
  2. The system displays a list of valid condition types for this type of sales deal.

  3. Select the condition type for which you want to create a condition record and enter your data.
  4. If you want to create additional condition records for the sales deal, choose Back to return.
  5. The system returns you to the dialog box that lists the valid condition types you can use.

  6. After you have created the condition records you want, choose Back and save your data.

Release Status


The release status for condition records in a sales deal enable you to limit the use of records that have already been created.

Release status has the following characteristics:

  • no entry: released
  • A: Blocked
  • B: Released for price simulation
  • C: released for price simulation and planning

The amount and significance of individual characteristics is defined using domain fixed values and can not be maintained.

Maintenance of the release status is carried out in the sales deal itself (in the proposed values block), is transferred over to the condition records concerned and can then not be changed for these records.

When setting up a new sales deal (with copy), a proposed value is suggested for the release status, which can be set up in Customizing for the agreement type.

A record blocked for an application is treated in the access, as though it has been identified with a deletion indicator. It can however be recognized and displayed as such via the log functionality in Pricing.

The characteristic Pricing Simulation is only used in the report SDNETPRO, which gives a net price list.

The release status for condition records in a sales deal is displayed in the status information and on the detail screens for condition maintenance.

If when maintaining individual condition records a sales deal is assigned to the condition record using the transaction VK12, the release status from the sales deal is used for this record. When changing the release status using this sales deal or changes to the sales deal, the user will be notified of any changes to the status.

Awarding release status is only possible for sales deals and not for bonus agreements or individual record levels. Maintenance of the status for individual condition records is not implementable for the current status of the condition master records. This is connected with the overlapping of validity periods in combination with the release status, which does not occur in sales deals, as you can not create a condition record with the same key in another sales deal.
